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  5. Notifications Not Working when W3 Total Cache is Enabled

Notifications Not Working when W3 Total Cache is Enabled

W3 Total Cache’s page cache stores the entire rendered HTML and deliver it as static content. Due to these notifications created with WPfomify might not get rendered in some cases until the cache is purged.

Since the notifications rely on the data which is dynamic so static content won’t work here. Hence, the page cache is needed to be disabled in this case.

Or you can use the below code to purge the page cache every time you hit the publish button of WPfomify notification in the backend.

add_action( 'ibx_wpfomo_save_post', function( $post_id, $prefix, $settings ) {
	if ( function_exists( 'w3tc_pgcache_flush' ) ) {
}, 10, 3 );

Please note that the data is dynamic so if you are adding the above code, you will need to hit the publish button periodically to sync notifications with the latest data when the page cache is active.

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